
Term 4 - Sustainability
We have had an awesome term learning about sustainability. The students were really interested in bees so our inquiry followed that path and it timed in nicely with our trip to Parry Kauri Museum and the Honey Centre. Thank you to all the parents who helped out on the day. Other areas of interest were around recycling, rubbish, waste and reusing. The students have been looking at how we can reduce our waste at school and in our community. 

Term 3 - Movement

After out initial launch we are looking further into refugees. A lot of discussion is happening. We are reading, writing and researching around this inquiry. We also looked at what it means to us to be a kiwi kid.

Last week we launched our inquiry for the term by playing a refugee displacement game. Each student was part of a family and they had to make their way down to the beach where a boat was waiting. Along the way there were a few stops with different scenarios in them. Please talk to your child about this game. It was a great game which stimulated a lot of discussion. 
Afterwards we met up with L4 and L3 and the students were able to talk about their experience and link it to the movement of people.

Term 2 - Change

Bubble art - We learnt that we didn't have to push the paper hard onto the bubbles to get the bubble effect and that we didn't have to blow the bubbles too hard.Here are some photos:

L5 had lots of fun during Week 6 as they got to make Oobleck. All the students were responsible for finding an oobleck recipe we could use. I used this oobleck recipe to model how to write up an experiment using the scientific method. 
The scientific method involves asking a question, making a prediction, doing an experiment, observing and recording results and writing up a conclusion. Our question was - Is oobleck a solid, liquid or gas? The students came up with their own predictions and there was great questioning and discussions around this. Oobleck surprised a lot of the students and they all loved it! Here are some photos:

We also conducted an experiment with jelly babies and different types of liquids. The students were interested in finding out what would happen to the jelly babies if they were left in different types of liquids. The liquids we chose were coffee, white vinegar, milk, water, water with baking soda and oil. Watch this space to learn about the results we found!

During week 2 L5 continued to observe, discuss, brainstorm and ask questions around two experiments that we conducted, these being around the concept of popping and mixing. We asked the questions how and why does popcorn pop? There was an interesting youtube video which L5 students found fascinating.  Clink on the link below to have another look.

We also made play dough, discussing the changes in texture and why this was happening. L5 students also had to follow the instructions on how to make the play dough. Very interesting!

Our inquiry this term is around properties and changes of matter. In L5 we are going to observe, describe and compare physical and chemical properties of common materials and change that occur when these materials are mixed, heated or cooled.
During week 1 we observed, discussed, brainstormed and asked questions around two experiments that we conducted.
First we tried to make slime. L5 students were given the list of ingredients and equipment needed and asked to come up with their own step of instructions on how to make slime. Together we found a recipe and we made the slime. After leaving the slime in the fridge overnight we realised it had failed. Being a good scientist we asked questions around this and L5 decided to try to fix it! We added more borax in and left again in the fridge overnight.  Again it failed. After discussions and brainstorming we came to two conclusions.
1. The amount of liquid is very important - there can't be too much
2. The borax needs to be completely dissolved in water before adding to other ingredients.

We also looked at the concept of fizzing and using the ingredients of vinegar and baking soda we tried to make the lids of the bottle explode off! We were successful!  Have a look at the photos below. The videos will be uploaded shortly :)

Our School Community

The students have really enjoyed learning about our school community.  They have identified the people who work in our school and the areas in our school. 

Each student is now choosing to focus on someone in our school whom they would like to find more about. This week we are focussing on questions and interviewing skills as we are hoping to set up an interview time this week with our chosen person! We are also learning to note take as the students realise that collecting the information is just as important as questioning. 

During Week 7 the students organised some questions that they wanted to ask some of the people in our school community.  L5 were working towards finding out what some of the people's roles and responsibilities were within our school. Some visited the office and had a meeting with Kevin, Mrs Palmer, Mrs Tayler and Mr Steel. Others interviewed Troy and Kahn.  
It was an interesting exercise in note-taking, listening and communicating.
Our questions and answers are in our drive!
From there we created a web! Come in and see our web, it is on our wall now :)

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